We’re Back- With Treats!!

After what felt like an eternity of downtime, the site is BACK and better than ever, y’all!!

I went through a lot of struggle with our old hosting provider. It’s so weird because I’ve used that hosting provider for years with multiple sites, and never had any issues with them like this before. After fighting with their technical support team for months over features they swore they had, only to find out they DIDN’T have (which caused me to lose my site), I finally decided to move my hosting elsewhere and am now a DreamHost customer! So far everything has been a dream to set up and manage, and the speed of the site is incredible- no more waiting 2 minutes for the home page to load!!

I am very happy with the new look and layout of the site. I went back to a previous theme and sprung for the premium version, as well as the premium version of Elementor, to make it easier to build the pages the way I want them to look. How do you like the new look and functionality of the site?? Leave me a comment below or shoot me a note on our new contact form!

Also, be sure to check our our About Me form on the Resources page! I had previously posted it on the site, but there were download issues, so I took it down. I have tested the new download method and it works great, so feel free to download our form and fill it out out to give to teachers as we all go back to school!

I will be back soon with an actual entry about our family and our life. Hope everyone reading this is doing well! ♥

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